The Irish Garden Club
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Renovation Plans


The original architectural features and infrastructure of the Irish Cultural Garden


§       Prune the existing heritage trees

§       Raise the canopy and remove the underbrush from the southern section of the garden to the Superior Avenue Bridge

§       Remove overgrown, original plantings that pose security concerns

§       Improve existing lighting and install additional lighting

§       Clear the major sewer lines and repair the drainage system; refurbish water supply lines

§       Install a new automated irrigation system

§       Refurbish the existing stonework, walls and benches



The plantings and incorporate additions from the Landscape Master Plan


§       Install new plantings and renovate the Celtic cross lawn panel

§       Install the new sculpture court

§       Expand the south side of the garden to the Superior Road Bridge

§       Construct a new entry from Superior Avenue to the natural water feature garden 



The integrity of the restoration for future generations


§       Fund maintenance of the garden throughout the restoration and beyond


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